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Direct Awakening: Marilyn Hager, Transformative Master Coach

Posted by on Nov 30, 2018 in Blog, Feminine Power, Transformation | 0 comments

My Experience with Craig Hamilton’s Direct Awakening

The first time I experienced a sense of direct awakening into spiritual intimacy, a connection with all and everyone in the “We Space,” was during an experiment that I was participating in as faculty at a spiritual community named the Lama Foundation in Northern New Mexico, USA, in the early 1980s. Ram Dass was leading a week-long intensive and we had gathered to share a meal. He was chanting the Halleluiah Chorus and we all joined in as we shuffled along the food line. We were outside in the warm and refreshing summer air, under a big domed sky that reached beyond a vast mountain range at 8600ft. None of us were trained vocalists, yet our voices seemed so loud and powerfully connected to something much bigger than us that it felt as though we were experiencing the most well-engineered acoustics of a famous concert hall. Our voices were giving expression to the oneness and connection we all felt, beyond any one of our own separate egos…

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I have also noticed this collective awareness when I witness my daughter and her husband play drums and dance to African rhythms in their performance group. I feel the undulating waves of communication between them infuse my body and we all become one…

In 2012, I experienced this direct awakening at the Feminine Power Mastery end-of-session live intensive. It was amazing to to take part in the exercises that transported us to this zone, first with the core leaders of about 20 people, then we were joined by another group of the next level of leaders within the same field the next day and two days later, the rest of the assembled community stepped into the field we had been building until there were about 150 of us all experiencing an extraordinary level of oneness.

It was amazing to witness how the levels of hierarchy flattened out within a container of safety, peace and oneness. At the very end, we created a circle and faced out to send a wave of this awareness beyond us and into the rest of the world. I was quite moved and felt exceptionally comforted.

Just last weekend, a varied group of twelve women whose experience, ranging from several years of engagement in the Feminine Power Community to several who had only heard about that work and wanted to know, gathered in my living room to experience this collective awakening with amazingly powerful results.

My sense of what caused and catalyzed this collective opening:

The Ram Dass experience: We had become so unified within the practices and teachings we were experiencing together, at that moment when the preparations for the meal were complete, the quality of the environment so peaceful and powerful at the same time, our essences came into a cohesive vibrational field, a sense came over us that the deeper truth of each of us was connected with the deeper truth of everyone there.

African Dance and Drumming Ensemble: They are all so rooted in their own proficiency, so deeply connected with their own sense of the rhythm moving through them, that the cohesion between them is infectious, and I catch the energetic wave between them. It is a multi-dimensional experience.

Feminine Power live intensive: We had been sharing the evolutionary edge for 9 months, so we were already very connected, but the exercises within the safe container of our bonded awareness created a powerful resource for this opportunity. That we started with the most bonded, advanced group stepping into the experience of collective awareness first was also a powerful catalyst. Then, with that in place, aligning the next group with the evolving frequency, watching it rise even further and become more powerful was really astounding. Finally, it was easiest for the next group to catch the wave. At one point, with all of us riding the wave together, the conversation went so deep and so wide, that the PA system made a loud booming sound and the electricity grid in the small beach town where the retreat was held went down for several hours…we pondered, wondering if it was the third big bang in the awakening of human consciousness… Who knows? Maybe…

This experiment with collective awakening, collective intelligence, the “We Space” promises to provide a container for the consciousness of humanity to step into a whole new level of integrity, deep connection and, ultimately peace beyond present understanding. I pray that world leaders will learn to stand in this place, to drop power-mongering, chest-pounding and ego-justification practices so that we can all learn to feel so self-empowered that we lead ourselves from the deepest truth of who we all came here to be.

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Welcome the Creator Destroyer Liberator with Marilyn Hager

Posted by on Dec 14, 2017 in Blog, Call 424.634.0408, Feminine Power, Transformation, WiseWomanRise-Priestess | 0 comments


Soul Sisterhood 2020 — Priestess Temple Training Four






When: Saturday, April 25, 2020 – 10:30am – 1:30pm
Where: LIVE on Zoom 
RSVP or questions: Reach out for Zoom link: 424.634.0408 

To prepare for this event, bring:
• A journal & pen
• A symbolic treasure (a stone, a picture, a crystal, etc) for the Activation Altar that you will take home
• Light a candle and Dress in white and or red and black only 

During this April Priestess Circle we will:
Create a powerful space of safety to finally…
• Face and transform the negative thoughts, feelings and actions that derail us from becoming all of the great goodness that we are.
• Liberate ourselves from destructive, self-fulfilling beliefs that sabotage our dreams.
• Activate new ways fo being that are in alignment with our Soul Actualization needs.
• Catalyze new pathways fo clarity to step fully into our creative visions fulfilled.

Together, we will harness the powerful Priestess tool of The Crystal Skull for focus, magnification, amplification, activation and transformation.

During this temple, we will be supported by our lineage messages through sound, color, guided journey, archetypal messengers and sacred sharing.

We are looking forward to being together on  Saturday, April 25, 2020 – 10:30am – 1:30pm LIVE on Zoom, to co-create a powerful feminine vortex for transformation!

Reach out to for connection details


Marilyn Hager is a Priestess who follows the lineage pathway born from Avalon. She is also a Transformational Master Coach, Facilitator and Leader. Since 2005, her methods have supported thousands globally to live the fully expressed lives they deeply desire. She is on a steadfast mission to create the conditions for all who desire to experience exquisite depth of inner knowing, joyful, loving connection and flourishing purpose.

Marilyn is a multi-faceted healer, having worked closely with Feminine Power Founder, Claire Zammit, Ph.D. since 2005. As well, she has been a Senior Coach for Katherine Woodward, MFT and Arielle Ford in the area of Soulmate Love and Conscious Uncoupling, a Senior Coach for Jean Houston, Ph.D. in Quantum Awareness, is a licensed Massage Therapist, a Priestess of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart and is currently engaged in a Priestess Presence Temple Guide certification with Elayne Kalila Doughty.

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I Believe in Ultimate Love with a Capital “L” – Marilyn Hager

Posted by on Feb 14, 2017 in Calling in "The One", Transformation | 0 comments

Flowers of a lilac in the form of a heart. An illustration on a theme of Valentine's dayI recently listened to a very inspiring talk by one of my mentors, Craig Hamilton, about the type of ultimate love that is beyond romance and personalities. It is the love of the Universe as the life force expressing uniquely through each one of us.

These are some of the musings that came through as I answered the very poignant questions he posed to us:

Standing in a place of ultimate love, I feel an expanded awareness that includes me but is not generated from me. I know that I am safe to just be and to stay in curiosity about any others who I encounter. I am able to appreciate the beauty of this Earth and all beings upon it. I am less attached to my physical form and all of the individuals who I love in the personal sense.

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Although, I also feel a particular pull toward my granddaughters, who have my heart strings and to whom I am deeply devoted as a mentor and support in this physical form. The adults who I love, my beloved and my daughter, I feel I can allow drifting away if need be, but my granddaughters have a hold on me…a visceral connection that gives me pause as I attempt to take the energy between us to the space of allowing all things to come to pass as they need to.

Problems and difficulties: I attune to a deeper place, one of curiosity and discovery, one that is not attached to an outcome that would have me be right, but one that allows the truth to be known so that love can stay present if all involved are able to open to the truth.

When I believe in love, how I relate to the larger challenges that face us as a species and in our communities is to listen carefully, opening to inspiration and beckoning forth the energy to co-create solutions with others, understanding and deepening into the perspectives of others.

In my vocations as an educator in the principles of transformation, a Wise Woman Rise coach, Calling in “The One” coach, Conscious Uncoupling coach and Feminine Power coach, and also as a creative alchemist, when I believe in love, my relationship with my work becomes joyful, inspired and open to allowing the creative impulse to either speak through me or to flow forth in my creative alchemical offerings. I listen carefully to what the other who I am working with is bringing forward so that I can travel beside and co-create with them.

When I believe in love, I relax into my spiritual practice, knowing that whether or not my ego feels it is doing the meditation or spiritual practice properly, I am open to giving to and receiving from the co-creative impulse to evolve in a powerful and an open and inquisitive way.

How do you believe in Ultimate LOVE?

Email for a complimentary 30-minute coaching session in the principles of Wisdom Awareness, Calling in “The One” or Awakening Our Feminine Power or phone Marilyn Hager directly at 310.844.7548. 

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Conscious Uncoupling Coach Viewpoint: Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin

Posted by on Dec 15, 2016 in Calling in "The One", Conscious Uncoupling, Transformation | 0 comments

Conscious Uncoupling Transforming HeartbreakWhen Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin separated, they announced the news on Paltrow’s website GOOP in a post called “Conscious Uncoupling.” They stated: “We have been working hard for well over a year, some of it together, some of it separated, to see what might have been possible between us, and we have come to the conclusion that while we love each other very much we will remain separate.”

As a Master Conscious Uncoupling Coach, who has also experienced the process that was created by Katherine Woodward Thomas, I can attest to the power of personal and relationship transformation available from this course.

At the same time, the process assists us to move through the heartbreak of divorce with grace, integrity, compassion, self-growth and true healing.

I look forward to contributing to the process of Conscious Uncoupling becoming the norm. I am an advocate for social awareness to grow and evolve toward more and more integrity, compassion and love, especially when our lives are shattered by the heartbreak of divorce.

What is included in the Conscious Uncoupling Process?

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• Session 1:  Finding Emotional Freedom Explore the 3 keys to healing heartbreak: unlock the methods for transforming your difficult emotions into extraordinary evolution and liberation.

• Session 2:  Reclaiming Your Power & Your Life   Heal the heartbreak of this breakup and connect with your power to embody your most radiant self.

• Session 3:  Breaking The Pattern, Healing Your Heart Learn the 5-step process that will support you in unravelling the tattered old tapestry of painful patterns in love and reweave a a brilliant new tapestry that tells a story of possibility for the life you desire to create.

• Session 4:  Becoming A Love Alchemist Take the steps to consciously and respectfully complete your relationship, liberate yourself from residual pain and resentments and learn to generate high magic that will create peace between yourself and your former partner, no matter how bad it’s been.

• Session 5:  Creating Your Happily Even After Life Engage a Soul-centered ritual that will empower you, your former partner and all involved to move forward with kindness toward loving completion, opening your hearts to attract healthy, happy new love and generate a rich, rewarding future.

Who is Conscious Uncoupling Designed to Support?

The Conscious Uncoupling process is perfect for anyone experiencing a broken heart, reeling from the fresh realization that their relationship is over or still not finding love after an unresolved breakup and can’t quite understand why. My clients tell me that the tender, heartfelt coaching of  the Conscious Uncoupling process supports them to heal the heartache they are suffering, understand the feelings that are overwhelming them, and identify and release the inner obstacles that have kept love from taking root in their lives.

Through the process, we not only end on an unbelievably sweet note, we prepare the soil and plant a seed of possibility for loving in a lasting way. This nationally acclaimed program incorporates leading-edge transformational technologies and processes to ensure you transform your deepest wounds and move past your stuck spots, so you will be ready to welcome true love when you desire to call it forth again.

Client Experience about Conscious Uncoupling Coaching with Marilyn:

“My experience with Marilyn Hager as a coach in the Conscious Uncoupling course was magical and healing. Her experience, knowledge, empathy and kindness were present in all her words, as she navigated with me into deeper realms and dimensions of my emotions and life. I am forever grateful for the ways in which she partnered with me in this journey of growth and transformation.”  — Maria, Puerto Rico

Frequently Asked Questions about the Conscious Uncoupling Five Week Process

What will I learn?  You will learn how to heal your heartbreak as you overcome the challenges of the inevitable disappointment of heartbreak. Our coaching partnership, while highly informative, is primarily transformative in nature. You will have the opportunity not just to learn about the main obstacles to the experience and expression of love, but to actually discover and gain tremendous clarity about what your specific obstacles have been. You will be taught how to identify and release the patterns, core beliefs and incompletions that have been preventing love from taking root in your life. And you will be given powerful tools to cause the future you desire.

Why should I be personally coached as opposed to just listen to the audios? Studies show that people are most successful at creating change in their lives when they exchange ideas with expert mentors. Not only do I  have 40 years of experience in transformative education, but I have undergone the Conscious Uncoupling process myself and have personally mentored hundreds of people.

As your guide on this journey, I will create a profound space of healing, transformation, inspiration and encouragement as I personally midwife you through the Conscious Uncoupling course, skillfully navigating territory that might prove challenging when engaged alone. Also, I have been trained in new practices that have been developed since the program was launched that create even deeper access to embodying the principles of the course, and I will share these practices with you in a way that relates to your specific needs and experience.

Can I really heal from heartbreak in just 5 weeks? Many people do heal from heartbreak within this relatively short period of time. However, the real goal is to not only heal, but to prepare you so that you never have to repeat that same dynamics again, and for most people, that can certainly be accomplished in 5 weeks.

If all of the press about Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin has peaked your curiosity, I look forward to speaking with you further…

To request a free Conscious Uncoupling Coaching consultation call 310.844.7548 

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Hugging and Touching: Miracle Medicine (and Fun, too) Marilyn Hager, Transform Touch

Posted by on Nov 22, 2016 in Calling in "The One", Transform Touch | 0 comments

Hugging and touching holiday greetings from Marilyn Hager, Transformative Coach and bodyworker!

My husband and I were in NJ with his family for the Thanksgiving holiday a few years ago. After sharing a spontaneous hug with Dad, he turned and fumbled through some papers on his desk and handed me this little article:

“Experts say hugging is a miracle medicine that can relieve physical and emotional problems. Psychiatrists are convinced that hugs and personal touch have astounding therapeutic effects. Researchers have found when a person is touched, the amount of hemoglobin in their blood increases significantly. Hemoglobin is part of the blood that carries vital supplies of oxygen to all organs of the body, toning up the whole body, helping to prevent disease and speeding recovery from illness. It has been found that people who are hugged or touched often stop taking medication to fall asleep, it eases stress and tension in today’s troubled time. So go out and hug someone today…we will all be the richer for it while enjoying the fun of hugging.”

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday if you are in the US and celebrate such things!

Call 310.844.7548 for more information about Transformative coaching with Marilyn Hager or visit and

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Embrace Your Divine Feminine Adventuress in Zion!

Posted by on Mar 7, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments



Calling ALL Courageously Curious Women!



Is Beckoning You to JOIN US!!

• Are you a woman who:
Is successful
in many areas of your life, yet you are sensing a gap between where you are and the deep, joyful wholeness that you came to this life to express and experience?

• Wonders if there is a more effective way to be “powerful” than the traditional masculine model?

• Senses the quickening of time, an evolutionary impulse that is arising all around the world to embrace your divine feminine essence and contribute your gifts and talents in powerful, meaningful ways?

• Feels a deep longing to embrace an ancient feminine knowing from across all time and space?

• Is ready for an adventure promising to catalyze the “Change that will Change Everything” towards fulfilling your deepest desires?

• Is aware of a gathering of ancient wise women who are calling to you from beyond the veils to embrace the powerful awareness of ancient knowing?

• Is hearing a calling to embark on an incredible journey into your internal landscape as you dance with the ancient ones in Zion National Park, one of the most spectacular national parks in America?

• Is curious about what might be explored with the Divine Feminine Connection?

As we venture into this journey, we will be held by the powerful presence and support of 13 archetypes of the 13 Moon lineage.

The first day we will consecrate our temple space by creating an altar upon which we will add relics, gems and symbolic treasures to call in the power of the divine feminine. Each day, we will experience holographic meditations on the mysteries, study the color vibration, qualities of their light and shadow aspects and the support offered by a different face of the divine feminine.

For example, when we arrive, the Goddess of Compassion will walk beside us as we venture into the deep realms of exploring this journey.

She will support us in exploring:
The embrace of compassion, mercy, unconditional love, forgiveness, adoration of the Divine and non-attachment.

Our inner Shadow:
Suffering rescuer syndrome, lack of self-care, co-dependency, unhealed wounded child.

Using her Sacred tools: Mantra, Yantra, Mudra.

And the Sacred tool of  The Triple Flame of Transmutation:
Love, Wisdom and Power

Soul-Actualization Podcast with Marilyn Hager and Adria Kitchens.


Before we embark on the most difficult aspect of our journey up to Angel’s Landing, we will call in the Creator, Destroyer, Liberator to boost our courage in the face of any fears that might arise as we challenge ourselves to a steep hike with switchbacks and lots of air around us. We will drop into deep introspection to access the support of All of Creation as we embrace the “change that will change everything.” Threshold day, the testing time of the heroine’s journey.





DAY ONE: Friday, June 13th
Welcome to our Transformational Journey!
Arrive at Las Vegas International Airport, Nevada, USA. Airport pickup and transfer to Bumbleberry Inn, Springdale, Utah.
Meet and greet, transfer to hotel and hold Opening Council Circle. Preparation is complete and Separation from the familiar is under way!

DAY TWO: Saturday, June 14th
Opening Ceremony and Emerald Pools
Early morning Opening Solstice Ceremony, breakfast and Intention Circle, lunch at the Zion Lodge, trail to Emerald pools, open dinner and evening to explore Springdale.
Align with the Great Mother archetype, overview of the Empowered Feminine and Heroine’s Journey course structure, set intentions and begin weaving our transformational container for the journey.

DAY THREE: Sunday, June 15th
Sacred Feminine Site
Align with the Midwife aspect of the Great Mother and the Goddess of Compassion as we enter the womb threshold for our e
arly morning visit to an ancient indigenous birthing cave where we will embrace all time and space to commune with our ancient stories. Enjoy a delicious picnic lunch, afternoon teaching session, open dinner, evening group coaching session.
Awaken our relationship with ourselves to change our lives. The inner journey deepens.

DAY FOUR: Monday, June 16th
Swimming Hole
Align with the Priestess for early morning Yoga and meditation, breakfast, teaching session, lunch, secret swimming hole with waterfall, open dinner, group coaching.

Time to digest and integrate the journey up to this point, as we continue to part the veils into deeper inner space. Holding our intentions, we begin our exploration of our power to manifest our purpose.

DAY FIVE: Tuesday, June 17th
Hike to Scout’s Lookout
Morning hike, lunch to debrief, afternoon off, open dinner, evening group coaching.

Dropping into deep introspection to access the support the Creator, Destroyer, Liberator and of All of Creation as we embrace the “change that will change everything.” Threshold day, the testing time of the heroine’s journey.

DAY SIX: Wednesday, June 18th
Day of Inner Quiet and Rejuvenation
Morning yoga, classroom, pot luck picnic lunch and personal hike or soak in the hot tub, open dinner, group coaching.

Through our connection with the Lady of Communion, and our sovereignty, we we explore our power to uplift the world by turning now slowly back toward the way to Others.

DAY SEVEN: Thursday, June 19th
Hike The Zion Narrows

Morning yoga, big breakfast, classroom, bring picnic lunch, hike The Zion Narrows, dinner, group coaching.
The Weaver/Dreamer supports us to recognize the Power of our Inner Radiance in relationship with all of creation.

DAY EIGHT: Friday, June 20th
Celebrate Your Transformed Self
Stepping into our Empowered Future Self
Morning yoga and meditation, breakfast, classroom, afternoon for packing-up, closing ceremony. Afternoon transport to St. George. Come as our guest to a group dinner celebration. Early evening end in preparation for Solstice site visit at sunrise next morning.

DAY NINE: Saturday, June 21th
We remember our ancient lineage with the Wise Woman as we have a Sunrise visit to local Solstice site, breakfast, transport to Las Vegas International Airport for return flight home.
Anchoring into our Transformation and bringing our gifts back to Our Sisterhood.

FOR MORE INFORMATION and to Reserve your spot now…!


Marilyn Hager is a Priestess who follows the lineage pathway born from Avalon. She is also a Transformational Master Coach, Facilitator, and Leader. Since 2005, her methods have supported thousands globally to live the fully expressed lives they deeply desire. She is on a steadfast mission to create the conditions for all who desire to experience the exquisite depth of inner knowing, joyful, loving connection, and flourishing purpose.

Marilyn is a multi-faceted healer, a Priestess of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart and a Priestess Presence Temple Guide with Elayne Kalila Doughty.

Since 2005, she has worked closely as a Senior Coach and content production designer with The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching and Feminine Power Founder, Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

As well, Marilyn has been a Senior Coach for Katherine Woodward, MFT and Arielle Ford in the area of Soulmate Love and Conscious Uncoupling, a Senior Coach for Jean Houston, Ph.D. in Quantum Awareness, and is a licensed Massage Therapist.

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Feminine Power Heroine’s Journey in Zion with Coach Marilyn Hager: Angel’s Landing

Posted by on Jun 28, 2013 in Feminine Power | 0 comments

I want to share a powerful awakening for me, an amazing story about something that happened while we were on the Feminine Power Heroine’s Journey in Zion: Angel’s Landing, June 21-29th, 2013, that illustrates the exquisite force of all three Power Bases, foundational in Feminine Power, when they work in alignment with truth…

The Feminine Power lesson that we were focusing on the day that this story took place was Power Center #2 and having “faith in the goodness of life.” This “having of faith” is something that I have whole-heartedly and deeply desired to believe. However, I came from a childhood that was literally “not safe.” I have sometimes struggled to “know” this faith in every fiber of my being. My intention for the journey was to break-up anything in the way of my ability to give and receive love in really healthy ways. This story also shows the organic power of our relationships with others…

How this Feminine Power Heroine’s Journey Unfolded:

We were about 3/4 way through the week of our journey when we took our threshold hike.  Angel’s Landing is 2.5 miles up and 2.5 miles down. It requires climbing 1,000 ft. from bottom to top and descending 1,000 ft from top to bottom. The middle .5 mile is very difficult both up and down.

I honestly wasn’t sure I would even attempt that final ascent before I got there. However, the 2 previous miles had been so rewarding that I was inspired and “on fire” when it came time to step forward. I had walked those incredibly beautiful and breathtaking 2 previous miles with Patricia, a very powerful 69-year-old woman. Patricia was a Feminine Power coaching client who I worked deeply with the previous year. She has since become a very dear friend and evolutionary partner. Patricia has knee issues and the heat was wilting her body. But her spirit was absolutely inspiring and she was incredibly attuned with her inner strength as I extended support and love to her with every step going up.

Through her empowered attunement, Patricia recognized her limits and decided to stop her ascent and sit under a tree on Scout’s Lookout. Scout’s Lookout is first pinnacle before Angel’s Landing, with a gorgeous view of the looming peaks and valleys all around us.

Making the Final Ascent

The hike up to Angel’s Landing required that, in many places, one hold onto chains that are bolted to the side of the wall with a sheer cliff on the outer edge of a sometimes 6” wide walkway. If one were to fall, that would be “It.” So, ‘I’m Not Safe” was definitely in my face… This required lots of holding and containing of the fear, extreme focus on the places to put my feet and hands and great surrender to the strength of my nearly 60-year-old body that I spent months conditioning for this very event. Every once in a while, the grace of the Great Mother would give us a moment of reprieve and the path would widen enough to stop and take a breath. The ascent was slow, but steady, even though sometimes my fearful legs were not the most steady part of my body.

We were all ecstatic when we reached the top!!! Sunni, our Priestess Elder, a 73-year-old sister sojourner experienced a really challenging time making it. Luckily, Sunni was deeply supported by amazing 58-year-old Carla, who, in her deepest desire to be of service, extended her training as a Yoga teacher for the elderly. They were so extremely overjoyed as the top as their heads peeked over that final ledge and their sparkling eyes danced as they met ours. What a testament to the power of the feminine, the power of supporting each other and to the power of relatedness we all were!

So all of this, in and of itself, would have made for quite the inspiring story, but what happened next completely blew my mind and shifted my very essence of “knowing!”

We sat on top of that landing for about 45 minutes, taking in the incredible view and feeling the bonded awareness of not only our group, but of the 75 or so others on top of that landing who had also made the same efforts and had tackled the same fears that we had.

My Life-Altering Experience

When we finally started to make our way down, I was feeling very happy and in love with everyone and all of life. After the first set of chains, we came upon our first widened pathway. As I stepped upon the flattened surface, I noticed a woman standing against the wall, looking tired, forlorn and despondent.

I reached out to her with my energy and said with my voice, “Sweetheart, you are so amazing…[planning to finish with, “look at how far you have gotten, the end is just ahead!”]… but, because I had taken my attention away from my own center, and what my feet were doing, my left foot slipped on the side of a slightly protruding rock on the flat area and slid into sand… my left ankle buckled, foot twisting onto its side and popped as I went straight down to my knees. This was quite shocking and I immediately knew it was serious…as we quickly pulled off my shoe and sock, a 5 inch blue egg extended under the surface of my skin on the top of my foot just below my ankle.

…before I could utter a word, a “legion of angels,” strangers who I had not noticed were even with me, flocked around as the perfect “others” to support me through this event. The young man who had been walking right ahead of me had reached into his backpack and pulled out some ankle wrapping tape and started activating an emergency ice bag. (Turns out he lives in the same valley that I do in Colorado.)

The young man who “happened” to be walking behind me was the medic for a Division 1 Women’s soccer team, also from Colorado. He tested for a break and then determined it was just a torn ligament; “Phew!” He proceeded to tape my ankle so that I had an instant professional cast. Behind him was a friend of his, a young fireman, who insisted upon staying with me for the treacherous hike down the .5 miles to Scout’s Lookout…

… Had the “goodness of life” not lined up with the extended way I was being and all of those others had not been also attuned on a deeper level, this would probably have meant a very dangerous, dramatic, expensive and painful helicopter rescue off of the side of the peak…

Healthy Divine Masculine Support

As it went, we were all so grateful for the expression of healthy divine masculine that was all around us! I was so focused on where I needed to place my hands and feet to maneuver my way down, it was better not to be touched by anyone else, but that they were “there’ for me. How it all happened, I didn’t even notice the edges and I flew down that path on the sturdy arms that I had worked so diligently to condition for the journey…

When we returned to Scout’s Landing, Patricia was there with her big smile and loving arms. She and another joy-filled, loving and amazing sister sojourner, Debi, supported me for the final 2 miles back down to the trail head, guide being guided, supporter being supported…giving and receiving love as we made our ways home.

“Angel’s Landing,” what an apt name for the incident that activated every fiber of my being to “know” that “it is safe to trust in the goodness of life” and that this is the key to my “ability to give and receive love” at every turn and in every moment of my life…

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