Transformative Coach Marilyn Hager: Reflections from My Center of the Inter-subjective Field
This week we spent the end of our 9-month Mastery adventure in deep contemplation, together in the same room and live streaming throughout the world. We explored the intricacies of the inter-subjective field of awareness that is present between us in every moment. We made a concerted effort to let go of all that we knew ourselves to be, to listen to another from a place of deep curiosity and a level of rapt attention, recognizing everything they brought forth as the very most important sharing that would every be made present. We stayed in the exploration of each exact moment and noticed what we were aware of.
What came forward was at once pertinent and expansive beyond the beyond… “I am noticing that who I am at the deepest places is the same as who you are… ultimately, that we all are being who we came here to be, effortlessly taking actions in alignment with and as an expression of life’s longing to evolve through us. As we do this, everyone is exactly where they are best meant to be, knowing what they know and knowing something new in the next moment as life unfolds with a deeper understanding of the impulse to evolve through each person’s unique expression of their innate gifts, talents and offerings.
The space was at once expanded and safe, relaxed and alive… Wow!
For more information about Feminine Power Sr. Coach Marilyn Hager Adleman, visit and download a 30-minute audio “10 Tips for Navigating Your Journey to Thriving.” Call 310.844.7548 for a complimentary 30-minute introductory Feminine Power coaching session.