Hugging and Touching: Miracle Medicine (and Fun, too) Marilyn Hager, Transform Touch

Hugging and touching holiday greetings from Marilyn Hager, Transformative Coach and bodyworker!

My husband and I were in NJ with his family for the Thanksgiving holiday a few years ago. After sharing a spontaneous hug with Dad, he turned and fumbled through some papers on his desk and handed me this little article:

“Experts say hugging is a miracle medicine that can relieve physical and emotional problems. Psychiatrists are convinced that hugs and personal touch have astounding therapeutic effects. Researchers have found when a person is touched, the amount of hemoglobin in their blood increases significantly. Hemoglobin is part of the blood that carries vital supplies of oxygen to all organs of the body, toning up the whole body, helping to prevent disease and speeding recovery from illness. It has been found that people who are hugged or touched often stop taking medication to fall asleep, it eases stress and tension in today’s troubled time. So go out and hug someone today…we will all be the richer for it while enjoying the fun of hugging.”

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday if you are in the US and celebrate such things!

Call 310.844.7548 for more information about Transformative coaching with Marilyn Hager or visit and

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